Energy Market Training
This 2-day course introduces you to various aspects of energy markets.
During the first day, some basic principles are explained. How do the electricity and gas markets work? How is the market price determined? What are spot, imbalance and futures? Which other markets are relevant? How does an energy supplier build products with these building blocks in the market?
The second day goes into more detail. What are the different roles in the market (producer, supplier, balance responsible party, network operator, regulator,...)? What are nomination, allocation and reconciliation? How do market processes work? How do the markets for CO2 emission permits and green energy certificates work? What challenges and opportunities await us in the future; a look at new services and products.
Optionally, a third day can be provided tailored to the needs of the company with a brainstorming session on topics of your choice.
The training contains interactive modules where market concepts are taught through gamification.
Energy Market Training
€800 - Master Class day 1 + day 2
lunch included, VAT excluded
Currently, only dutch sessions are planned
Day 1 - September 11th 2025
Day 2 - September 12th 2025

For whom?
The basic principles of energy markets are an absolute must for anyone dealing with energy. The training is also valuable for companies that want to understand what the energy transition means for them and what role they can play in it.
The target group of the training consists of energy buyers, energy managers, employees of energy producers and suppliers and energy portfolio managers.
The training is also valuable for professionals who are indirectly involved with energy to make the abstract concepts they encounter concrete. For example, lawyers, regulatory affairs managers, financial advisers, data managers, administrators of IT systems, customer contact employees or marketeers who are active in the context of energy.